About aaronchen

In business, whether you are working in marketing, sales, customer services, products department, and so on and so forth, you are working in marketing because whatever you do, is part of the brand-building activities.

Branding is the sub-set of marketing. Every interaction with your customer is shaping your brand in some way.

The marketing department is the main driver in building the company’s brand, but let us face it: Not all your marketing will succeed in getting the results you want regardless of social media interaction, website traffic, leads, or sales.

So what is the most common mistake that people make that will cause failure in marketing?

The No1 reason why your marketing fails is because your target audience is not specific enough

Reciprocity refers to a norm in social psychology that a person feels obligated to respond positively to another positive action taken towards them.

When I was working as a door knocker salesman doing fundraising for different charities in Sydney about back in 2010. We used to persuade donors to sign a contract to donate to charities on a monthly basis, but when we tried asking for donations from people who will receive Coles petrol vouchers in return, the sales went skyrocket.

Why is that? The reason is obvious.

Whenever small business owners are asked “how do you market your own business”, “word of mouth” or “referral” almost always comes up as the primary or only form of marketing they rely on.

Like other marketing strategies, there are pros and cons for Word of Mouth Marketing, and you should know all of them.

This article is going to explore and try to find the answer to “Is word of mouth marketing the bread or the butter for growing your business?”

What is word of mouth marketing/advertising?